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Useful resources

This section is a selection of online resources available on folklore, textiles and costume, and historic buildings. These resources are intended to guide the visitor to sources that will help in the understanding of historic costume, folklore and historic buildings.


Textiles and costume

Historic buildings


Inventory of Concealed Finds in Dorset by Jeremy Harte http://www.folkmagic.co.uk/magic/dorset_folk_magic.htm
Listings of concealed object including their location, placement of the object and date of objects.

Folklore Resources on the Web http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/folklore/links/
Run by UCLA, comprises information about and links to various folklore archives.

Journal of Folklore Research
Information about the journal, articles from current and back issues on folklore related subjects from culture and politics to ritual, festival and drama and religion and belief.

Resources in Ethnographic Studies
General sources, directories, organisations, courses, archives and collections and online archives.

WWW Folklore Resources
Links to online folklore resources, electronic reference tools and websites from around the world on topics such as fairy tales, urban legends and mythology.

Textiles and costume

Vocabulary of Basic Terms for Cataloguing Costume http://www.mda.org.uk/costume/vbt00e.htm
Compiled by the ICOM International Committee for the Museums and Collections of Costume. ICOM is the International Council of Museums.

Textile Resources for the Re-enactor http://www.cs.vassar.edu/~capriest/textileres.html
Documents about historic textile techniques including weaving, spinning, dyeing, and embroidery.

Resources for historic textiles and techniques, publications and bibliographies, short courses and university degrees.

Textile and Costume Collections on the Internet Webography
Links to online collections of textiles and costume mainly based on collections in the USA but features British textile collections also.

18th Century Costume Resources Online
Run by the Costumer's Manifesto this website comprises comprehensive web-based resources for various aspects of 18th century costume including peasant dress and hair, wigs and hats. The resource also contains information about books on the subject.

Costume History & Research Resources http://www.artslynx.org/theatre/costume.htm
Compiled by Artslynx these web resources comprise information about museum costume collections, other costume costume resource sites, links to bibliographies and educational sites.

The History of Costume Index http://www.siue.edu/COSTUMES/COSTUME1_INDEX.HTML
Composed and published by Braun & Schneider in Munich between 1861-1880, now adapted with images of the original colour plates for this site. A very 19th century look at the evolution of costume from the Ancient Egyptians and Persians through to cultures from around the world in the late 19th century.

Historic buildings

HEIRNET: Historic Environment Information Resources Network http://www.britarch.ac.uk/HEIRNET/
Hosted by the Council for British Archaeology, provides access to information on archaeological and historical buildings, sites, monuments and finds in the UK. HEIRNET provides information and resources for conservation, research, learning and for general interest.

Archaeology, conservation and architecture information sources http://www.york.ac.uk/services/library/subjects/archint.htm
Compiled by the University of York Library this site provides links to electronic journals, databases and direcotries related to the topic.

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Last updated: 13 August, 2002
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