Deliberately Concealed Garments

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About the project

This is the Information Resources section of the website where you can find out about the project, get advice on what to do if you find a concealed garment, get references for further reading and make enquiries about the project (use the navigation at the bottom of the page).

Here are some questions you may want to ask about the project and about concealed garments.

Click on each of the questions below to find some answers.

To return to this section use the Information link or the About the project link (below).

If you would like to ask any further questions please do not hesitate to make an enquiry.

What is a deliberately concealed garment?

What is the Deliberately Concealed Garments Project?

What do I do if I find a concealed object?

What can you expect from the Deliberately Concealed Garments Project Website?

What is the Textile Conservation Centre?

What is a cache?

What is considered to be a garment?

Why were objects concealed?

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Last updated: 21 August, 2002


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